Signs of Spring | A Nature Inspired Jewelry Collection

March 01, 2021

Signs of Spring | A Nature Inspired Jewelry Collection
Rebecca Haas Jewelry - Spring 2021

Winters in Vermont are long, and spring is always welcomed with a feeling of celebration. When I was a child, we had all sorts of rituals around the arrival of spring, my favorite of which was hunting for signs of spring. My mother and I would put on our boots and go find sheltered spots on the south side of the house in the warm March sun, turn over the last piles of snow, and layers of dead leaves, and probe the ground with dirty fingers, hunting for the first green shoots. We would watch the ice recede on the pond, and go look around the edges for tadpoles and salamanders. And when the snow melted enough in the woods, we would walk to the little waterfall on our property, and watch and listen to the roaring water, high with snowmelt, and drink in the deep, woodsy scent of the forest waking up.

Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Golden Bands
Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Snowmelt

This year, our very snowy pandemic winter felt longer than any other.

With no travel, and little social interaction, the isolation felt a little like what I remember from Laura Ingalls WIlder’s books of winter in a bygone time. (With the addition of electricity and the internet, which was of course a huge lifeline!)

Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Beech Leaf

But days were longer and slower than usual, and we spent many hours together as a family, cooking, and building fires inside and out, playing with the dog, and moving snow from here to there, as you do up here in New England.

Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Sunrise Necklace

Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Swimming Hole Earrings
Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Promise Necklace
Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Ice Hook Earrings

So this year I am also more excited for spring than I ever remember being. And I had an almost visceral compulsion to bring spring to life early with my own two hands.

And so I am happy to announce the launch of my new jewelry collection for spring 2021 - Signs of Spring!

Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Elm Earrings

It is filled with designs inspired by cracking and melting ice, spring leaves, insect wings, feathers, deep clear rivers, and of course, the sun!

Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Meadowhawk Earrings
Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Gentle Leaf
Rebecca Haas Jewelry Spring Collection - Inner & Outer Beauty on Metal Bar

And as always every piece of this collection has been designed and handcrafted by me in my Southern Vermont studio, which is now available in its entirety on my website.

I look forward to making and sending these pieces to you and your loved ones, to help you celebrate the end of this long winter, and begin looking forward to brighter days of togetherness ahead.

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The RHJ Studio is closed for a quick spring break. Ordering is still available, and jewelry will begin shipping again on 3/20. Thanks for your patience!